Community involvement is central to our core values and heightens the success of each student at JBBP Rosa Parks. We are proud of the parent community at our program and school, and hope that you’ll join us in whatever capacity you can.



School-Parent Organizations

  • The PTCC is the driving force behind all of the supplemental activities that enrich the academics and experience of JBBP students.

    In cooperation with the PTA, the PTCC strives to maintain the rich cultural history of Rosa Parks Elementary and the one-of-a-kind JBBP program based there.

    All are welcome to attend both general and board meetings of the PTCC. Please check our Events page for information about the next upcoming meeting and our PTCC page for more information about the PTCC.

  • Rosa Parks PTA works closely with teachers, staff and parents to support all three learning programs to provide enrichment for each student. Some of the many things supported by the PTA are the Garden Coordinator, Movie Night, Back to school BBQ, and a week-long field trip for the 5th graders. The PTA and PTCC work in close collaboration to celebrate and support our school’s rich diversity.

  • The SSC has an important role in representing the community of Rosa Parks in the school governance process with the SFUSD. They review and analyze student achievement data, gather community input, and help to develop, implement, and monitor the Single Plan for Student Achievement and the school site budget. They are a critical connection between SFUSD funding and the needs and priorities of our school.

  • The Green Team supports, maintains and coordinates the garden in cooperation with the Garden Coordinator, Oliv Brown. The planning, care, maintenance and extra love that goes into our chicken coop, and both the upper and lower gardens provide the students with exposure to growing plants for food, caring for animals, and all of the flowers and dirt in-between.


Volunteer Opportunities ボランティア活動の例えとしては

  • Organizing cultural events(文化イベントのお手伝い)
    Supporting fundraising and community activities(募金活動やコミュニティー活動のお手伝い)

  • Assisting in your child's classroom(子供のクラスでお手伝い)
    Serving as a classroom coordinator(クラス委員として)
    Chaperoning field trips(遠足で付き添い)

  • Helping in the front office(学校のオフィスでのお手伝い)
    Library and technology support(図書室と技術系のサポート)
    Yard and lunch monitor volunteer(校庭、ランチ・モニター)
    Morning drop off (opening car doors to facilitate traffic flow)(朝の登校時のサポート、車のドアを開けて生徒を下ろすのを手伝い、ご家族が道路で生徒を下ろす作業を潤滑にするお手伝い)

A jbbp parent showing how to make a mizuhiki- a special cord tying that creates a beautiful bow for wrapping gifts